I Am Not an Expert
One White Person’s Road to Intersectional Education -- September 2020
I have been thinking a lot lately about what it means to reveal truth. Specifically, I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means when something that has been kept quiet or in the background or out of the direct line of sight finally crashed through into the spotlight — like, no denying this any-fucking-more. In many ways, the recent conversations about race and sexuality and gender have done this. There’s no more excuses for not speaking up when someone makes a blatantly racist or homophobic or transphobic “joke.” There’s no more pretending you didn’t hear someone say “All Lives Matter” and going about your day. There’s no more acceptability for not speaking up about causes you align with or which directly impact you, even in the face of possibly well-meaning people who either intentionally or unknowingly shit on something you believe in. A friend posted this image on social media recently and it just resonated with me:

It resonated with me because my voice has shaken while I’ve told my story and explained my beliefs and shared my experiences about really vulnerable, private, triggering events from my life. It takes a great deal of bravery to explain your how and your why to people who you knowdisagree with you or might not believe you or — even worse — might believe you but still not give a fuck. Maybe because I’ve done this work myself, I’ve been challenging the “All Lives Matter” people since long before this moment in our history. I’ve done it without my voice shaking — because I’ve done it in alliance and agreement with the populations who are being harmed by this notion as well as others related to it. I’ve done it so that maybe, just maybe, impacted populations have to say it less — that people with greater social power (like, say, a cis-gender white woman) can do the work of changing hearts and minds in our own demographic and make it easier for those not in power to have maybe just one less person they need to justify themselves to.
I know — for a fact — that my desire to be more outspoken, more engaged, more amplified about these topics is because I know — for a fact — what it’s like not to be valued, believed, or have people align with me on a deeply painful life experience. I never want anyone to go through what I went through, so I do not remain quiet on these matters. I speak up.
Truthfully, I wasn’t always this way. I wasn’t always this militant about it, certainly. That’s why I look around at these people in their twenty’s and thirty’s and maybe even younger (and maybe even older!) with a little bit of empathy when they respond with blank stares and platitudes they clearly don’t understand. Until you have experienced trauma, it is very difficult to relate to other people’s trauma. It’s that simple. If it’s never impacted you, why would you care? And frankly, none of us have the time to be super educated and empathetic about all of the world’s and all of humanity’s problems. We have to be selective or we will, quite simply, go mad. But in these moments, that’s when we look to the experts, we look to the educators and the storytellers and the ones who have had the experience and we just listen. We learn what we can. But to ignore and deny? That is where the line of unacceptability is drawn.
I wanted to take the time to share some of the educational tools that have helped me better understand minority and intersectional experiences. Intersectionality refers to the crossroads where multiple minority statuses meet: like being both Black and a woman or LGBTQ+ and wheelchair-bound. The boundaries created by our social learning have classified minority cultures as violent, ugly, less-than, a drain on resources, uneducated, disposable, and inferior to any and all of the patriarchal norms established by white men. FACTS: Minorities make less money than white men. They own less. They hold less power. Their voices are underrepresented in local, national, and global decision-making bodies. The more I took the time to listen, learn, study, and read about life through the lens and perspectives of those I had been taught not to pay attention to for most of my life, the more I understood how corrupt and unjust not only many of our laws, policies, and systems are but how little I knew about how my white skin provided me with unspoken advantages.
I am still learning. I am not an expert.
But I am digging in and doing the work. I wanted to share with you resources that I have compiled over the years. These lists are incomplete — but they’re a start.
Please note: a) these resources are listed in no particular order; b) while the majority of these are related to Black and brown lived experiences, some are also about womanhood/feminist and LGBTQ+ perspectives; c) once again, these lists are incomplete -- please share your own resources and recommendations in the comment section below!
One Person, No Vote by Carol Anderson (nonfiction)
They Poured Fire on Us from the Sky by Alephonsion Deng, Benson Deng, & Benjamin Ajak (memoir)
The Girl Who Smiled Beads by Clementine Wamariya (memoir)
Running for My Life by Lopez Lomong (memoir)
Emergent Strategy by Adrienne Brown (nonfiction)
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo
Call Me American by Abdi Nor Iftin
Represent: The Women’s Guide to Running for Office and Changing the Worldby June Diane Raphael & Kate Black (nonfiction)
You Can’t Touch My Hair — And Other Things I Still Have to Explain by Phoebe Robinson (essay collection)
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
The Deepest Well by Nadine Burke Harris
Shrill by Lindy West (essay collection)
The Ethical Slut by Dossie Easton & Janet Hardy (nonfiction)
When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present by Gail Collins (nonfiction)
Paris is Burning (documentary)
RuPaul’s Drag Race (reality television show)
Disclosure (documentary)
I Am Not Your Negro (documentary)
13th (documentary)
Pose (television show)
Dear White People (Netflix original show)
The Urgency of Intersectionality (TED Talk by Kimberlé Crenshaw)
Just Mercy (movie)
Black-ish (television show)
A Different World (television show)
Malcom X (movie)
Selma (movie)
Fruitvale Station (movie)
Crown Heights (movie)
When They See Us (Netflix limited series)
American Son (movie)
The Hate U Give (movie)
Moonlight (movie)
Hidden Figures (movie)
Orange is the New Black (Netflix original series)
The Uncomfortable Truth (documentary)
Nanette — Hannah Gadsby (standup/one woman show/Netflix special)
GLOW (Netflix original show)
Intersectionality Matters
Keep It
Code Switch
Sibling Rivalry with Bob the Drag Queen & Monet X. Change
Race Chaser with Alaska Thunderfuck & Willam
Pod Save the People
Lovett or Leave It
In the Dark (especially Season 2)
Serial (especially Season 3)
Why Won’t You Date Me? with Nicole Byer
Catch and Kill with Ronan Farrow
The Rearview
World of Wonder — @worldofwonder
Black Lives Matter — @blklivesmatter
#FosterCare — @hashtagfostercare
Say Her Name — @sayhernamefilm
Crooked Media — @crookedmedia
The Black School — @theblackschool
Fair Fight Action — @fairfightaction
Pose — @poseonfx
My Brother’s Keeper — @mbk_alliance
Ayanna Pressley — @ayannapressley
The Bail Project — @bailproject
EMILY’s List — @emilys_list
Swing Left — @swingleft
Rock the Vote — @rockthevote
Race Chaser — @racechaserpod
Giselle Buchanan — @gisellebuchanan
Stacey Abrams — @staceyabrams
March for Our Lives — @marchforourlives
The Slacktivists — @theslacktivists
Adrienne Maree Brown — @adriennemareebrown
The Sweet Feminist — @thesweetfeminist
Ibram X. Kendi — @ibramxk
The Slow Factory — @theslowfactory
Janet Mock — @janetmock
Latrice Royale — @latriceroyale
Everytown — @everytown
Austin Channing — @austinchanning
Alexandria Ocasion Cortez — @aoc
Campaign Zero — @campaignzero
Check Your Privilege — @chkyourprivilege
Black History — @blackhistory
Miss Peppermint — @peppermint247
Know Your Rights Camp — @yourrightscamps
Human Rights Campaign — @humanrightscampaign
Kamala Harris — @kamalaharris
Mayhem Miller — @theonlymayhem
Brittany Packnett Cunningham — @mspackyetti
Michelle Obama — @michelleobama
Barack Obama — @barackobama
Monet X. Change — @monetxchange
Shea Coulee — @sheacoulee
Bob the Drag Queen — @bobthedragqueen
Move On — @moveon
Color of Change — @colorofchange
Mj Rodriquez — @mjrodriquez7
NAACP — @naacp
RuPaul’s Drag Race — @rupaulsdragrace
Kimberly Latrice Jones — @kimberlylatricejones
Ava DuVernay — @ava
No H8 Campaign — @noh8campaign
Women’s Public Policy Network — @ohiowppn
Delino DeShields — @lindodeshields
Dear White People — @dearwhitepeople
Nasty Feminism — @nastyfeminism
THERE ARE SO MANY MORE. I am constantly being introduced to new resources and will update this list as my learning continues.
The world is big. Life stories matter. Make space for those who don’t typically get to stand in the spotlight. Amplify those voices, make them echo, insist they be heard. Doing this work makes it undeniable that dismantling centuries’ worth of systemic racism and oppression is what’s next. It’s time to give a fuck. It’s beyond time. So let’s go.
From the I Spy in 2020 blog project.
Virtual Tip Jar: Venmo @sarahwolfstar
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