Ready, Set, Guard: The End of an Era in Cleveland Baseball
Take a moment to listen to Cleveland baseball radio announcer Tom Hamilton ( here ). I had to miss yesterday's game because I was working, but I'd asked my baseball twitter friends to loop me into any great #HammyShade (as we call it), which a few of them did. One of them encouraged me to find this final speech of the broadcast. You can hear it in Hammy's voice when he talks about bringing kiddos to the ballpark -- and when he talks about Rajai Davis' soul-reviving game-tying home run in the bottom of the 8th in Game 7 of the 2016 World Series against the Chicago Cubs. I will never, ever forget that moment. Even thinking about it makes me tear up. Even though Chicago ultimately won that game, that Rajai Davis moment proved what all Cleveland fans know: Goonies Never Say Die. Down but not out, fighting for, earning , every single moment. You can see it in the faces of the fans how much this meant to them. I remember pacing in my Ball Squa...