We All Share This Life

I want to share a moment of my life from yesterday afternoon. I was out walking through Lakeview Cemetery (per usual) when I noticed an old man with a long white beard and an orange bandana tied around his head puttering by me very slowly on a found-it-in-the- way -back-of-the-garage motorcycle. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, making him stand out as a possible ex-Hell's Angel, someone who valued life on the road and nonconformity in a way someone from the 60's or 70's would. If he'd been listening to music, it would have absolutely been The Grateful Dead or CCR or the Rolling Stones. But all that I heard as he motored past me was the strain of his motorcycle to stay upright at the slow speed he was traveling. I watched him putter up the hill by the Haserot Angel and disappear around the bend where he was temporarily erased from my mind. After all, I see colorful characters in the cemetery all the time -- there was no real reason for him to stand ...