No Hard Feelings

I've pulled a few things from social media that I thought could inspire different posts, but as I stare at them off to the side here, my brain wants to call them pieces of the same puzzle. The first one is this: Then there's this: Finally, there's this: That last one is obviously from a Timehop of mine -- a quote from an episode of This American Life that bangs like a drum through my healing process: Sometimes we're not ready to let go of the lie that preservers our existence . Yes, Ira Glass. Yes, sir. But that sentiment ties back to the notion of the first meme I shared: so many broken children in adult bodies . For where else do we learn that we're less-than besides our childhoods? Where else do these patterns get established and engrained? Where else are we told more that we are resilient than in our childhoods? Kids just bounce back. They're too young to understand. What we say or do now will ...