Self-Care Makes Me Cringe

I have a social work confession to make: I cringe at the term "self-care." There is almost nothing that makes my entire body clench than when I see some social media post with a soft-focus photo of an extremely thin woman (probably a white woman, let's be extra-real) doing a yoga pose by a waterfall accompanied by a flowery caption about loving who you are on the inside and taking the time to uplift your inner queenhood or whatever nonsense. My face, you should see my face. I'm making such a face. Even the thought of this makes my entire being cringe. White women can honestly be so embarrassing. There are a host of reasons why these kinds of social media posts bug the hell out of me -- they're likely obvious, but I'll outline a couple just so we're all on the same page. First of all, these posts almost always feature a body-type that isn't anything close to the "average" body-type. The person depicted almost always exc...