Make It Make Sense

It is doing that March-weather thing outside today: big, fat snowflakes that dissolve as soon as they hit the pavement. I gotta admit: there's something sort of joy-inducing about the beauty of these fluffy white blobs descending from the heavens while knowing full well nary a shovel will need to be employed. Certainly, we're nowhere near the point where we're ready to bust out the beach balls and the swimsuits but we're creeping ever closer to the in-between where those kinds of daydreams drift closer to upcoming reality. Spring in Ohio, folks. This is it. I enjoyed this day from the comfort of my work-from-home setup, a glorious space that I have grown to adore. It's this funny flip of the script in my life, this capacity to be able to do my job in the same place where I live. For so much of my adult life, I lived in apartments with one to three other people (and their cats -- their many, many cats) and the thought of work from home not only s...