You Can’t Tell a Story Without Using Your ABC(D)’s
You Can’t Tell a Story Without Using Your ABC(D)’s By Sarah Wolf, MFA, MSSA Candidate Community Innovation Network Graduate Student Research Assistant I have been thinking a lot about ABCD as a method of recognizing and healing community trauma. ABCD, in this case, stands for Asset Based Community Development, a strengths-based approach to community engagement. Where many other approaches enter with a deficit perspective -- what is wrong here that needs to be fixed -- ABCD enters with a surplus attitude that asks folks to self-identify what skills, talents, and assets are there to utilize in the work. This framework empowers everyone involved to recognize their potential to be a change-agent, to be an active participant in the process, and, as a result, a co-creator of a more equitable playing field where resident voices hold as much weight as institutional ones. It might sound aspirational. It might be aspirational. But it’s a framework that invokes hope....